Tuesday, May 8, 2012

August 2011-Vanessa turns 8!  Brownies instead of cake....

August 2011-Birthday Bouncin' Bash

August 2011-Birthday Besties


August 2011-Yum Angel Food cake

Aunt Mary turns 90!

Time Flies!  Aunt Mary turns 90!  Definitely worth a trip home.....

Happy Birthday Max!

July 2011-Max makes it to his one year birthday!  Many close calls, chewed toys, flip flops, walls...you name it.  Dad and Max have made some sort of peace.  As for the rest of us....we love him!

Acrobat in the Family!

June 2011- Jessica performs center stage.  

Bridging the Gaps!

Crazy Cousins!

What a blast to have all the cousins together!  Cousin Kasey graduated from High School in May of 2011.

 Faces only a momma could love!

Sweet girls!

Glad we got a picture of this...no way Vanessa would ever get this close to a bug!

Birds May 2011

I am back!  One year later attempting to fill the gaps in time.  We witnessed God's amazing creation in real time!  Talk about hands on science.  Eggs to full grown birds.